
Mrs Murshida
Department: Science


The Science Department of NIS serves as a cornerstone for fostering curiosity, critical thinking, and innovation among students. It plays a pivotal role in equipping learners with the essential knowledge, skills, and mindset required to navigate an increasingly complex world driven by science and technology. The Department coordinates and oversees laboratory sessions where students can apply theoretical concepts, conduct experiments, and analyze data. These practical experiences not only reinforce classroom learning but also nurture scientific inquiry and problem-solving skills. Collaborating with other departments, such as Mathematics and Technology, incorporating STEM Education, the Department allows for the exploration of real-world connections and encourages students to approach challenges from multiple perspectives. We also serve as a hub for fostering research and innovation among both students and faculty. Encouraging inquiry-based projects, science fairs, and competitions provides opportunities for students to delve deeper into scientific inquiry, pursue their interests, and develop critical thinking skills. Through its dedication to fostering curiosity and nurturing talent, the Science Department lays the foundation for a brighter, more sustainable future.